... Access developed and new emerging markets, major banking platforms, gain scaled efficiencies and share risk in raising finance for your investments ...
This proposal is for educational purpose and describes our joint venture partnership.
Platform director: Lee A. Blackman
Joint Venture Partner: Investor
Joint Venture Structure: Under existing corporate or individual structures and JV agreement
Jurisdiction: Federation St. Kitts & Nevis
Broker Dealer: Hamilton Reserve Bank
Banking platform: Investment brokerage account with access to major top-rated banks
Account privilege: Co–signatory as a JV partner
Minimum investment deposit: $/€ 15 million Max: Unlimited
Administration fee: $/€ 76,000 for cash (may be debited from cash)
$/€150,000 cash payment for securities
Instruments: Cash or Cash & Gold backed securities only
Requirement: Cash or securities must be delivered to our investment brokerage platform
Retainer & Commission fee: (to be determined in JVP agreement)
Our Joint Venture Partnership program creates a strategic alliance between you and platform director Lee A. Blackman, to assist you in capital markets transactions, or raising the capital needed to finance your investment or development project. This is made possible through our resources, relationships, investment brokerage platform and investment bank & trust.
We typically accept joint ventures for one of four reasons; to access major banking platforms, products, services & transactions, traditional and new markets, particularly to emerging and developed markets investors giving them the option to securely invest in either respective markets; to gain scale efficiencies by combining assets and operations; to share risk to finance major investments, or projects; or to also access skills and capabilities.
Joint ventures may be facilitated by a contract agreement or incorporated as a business entity created between you and Lee A. Blackman. Either option may be characterized by shared markets, ownership, governance, costs, intellectual property, assets, knowledge, risks, and of course profits.
Moreover, joint venturing with us differs from a merger in the sense that there is no transfer of outright ownership in the deal.
How Does a Joint Venture Work?
Our process of partnering is a well-known time-tested principle.
The critical aspect of a joint venture does not lie in the process itself, but rather in its execution. We all know what needs to be done: specifically, it is necessary to join forces.
However, it is easy to overlook the "hows" and "whats" in the excitement of the moment with this new partnership, so we hold advisory sessions to review these two important points.
Capital markets & securities and OTC transactions:
1. Private placement trade programs
2. The acquisition of SBLCs & MTNs
3. OTC acquisition of physical gold
AML & CFT compliance & requirements:
1. Complete CIS including passport copy of investor
2. POF (proof of funds) and BCL (bank commitment letter)
3. ATV document and both bank officers' business cards
3. Letter of Intent requesting JV partnership & stating transaction of interest
As you review our proposal and have any questions feel free to contact our financial advisor and private banker.
Contact Information:
Business Name: Imporio Consultants Limited
Address: Bldg #1 Nelson Spring Business Complex, Nelson Spring, Nevis.
Primary Contact: Mr. Lee A. Blackman
Role of Primary Contact: Managing Director | Platform Director
Phone Number: +297 742 1400 (Whatsapp, Telegram or Signal, Zoom, etc.)
Kindly schedule your call via email before calling. Only scheduled calls will be accommodated!
Email Address: inquiries@imporioconsultantsltd.com | imporiofinancialgroup@gmail.com